Whole Body Vibration Effect On Weight Loss

We all want to look great and feel great, but hardly know the simple body manipulations that can lead us to longevity and good health. Here is one simple technique that can help you make your first step towards rejuvenation. It is called vibration gymnastics.

The scientific method at the heart of the approach

This method was invented by a Russian scientist A.A. Mikulin, who was interested in natural body treatments for longevity and rejuvenation.

He initially became known for success in the field of aeronautical engineering, but after a heart attack at 76 he turned to ”active aging” and went so far as to get a  medical degree at the age of 80. After studying many books on this topic, he developed his own system of exercises called Vibration Gymnastics that leads to longevity and good health.

This system allowed him to overcome diseases, stop aging and maintain efficiency for many years.

Thanks to these exercises, a person becomes vigorous, energetic, and stress-free. Thus, you will not only be healthy, but also you will become focused and more efficient at your job.

How vibration gymnastics works?

Mikulin A. A. came to the conclusion that the human body is withering due to the accumulation of toxins in the intercellular spaces. Cleansing the body from toxins from cells and intercellular space is carried out by:

  • Vigorous spasms of muscle fibers
  • Light shaking of cells of intercellular fluids

The technique is recommended not only for elderly people, but also for the younger generations.The benefits are:

  • Improve the condition of the veins
  • strengthen the vessels
  • improve vessel elasticity
  • improve the movement of venous blood
  • detoxify the body
  • drain edema from the limbs
  • relieve tension headache
  • relieve general fatigue
  • resets your mind to positive thinking

Thus, the processes of blood and lymph circulation and metabolism in all human organs and systems improve.

This sharp movement of venous blood to the heart given by vibration gymnastics stimulates the active pumping of the blood to the blood vessels and frees the accumulated toxic substances near the venous valves.

Although Mikulin claims that Vibro-gymnastics can be performed by everyone there is a number of contraindications:

  • Varicose veins
  • Hypertension
  • Stones in the kidneys, gallbladder.
  • Heart failure, stroke, heart attack.
  • Blood clots in the veins

How to perform vibration gymnastics

Vibration exercise is quite simple to perform. It is better to start in the morning and perform during breaks at work.

Straighten up your back and pull the top of your head up. Then you need to stand on your toes, breaking away from the floor by one inch. Now sharply drop your heels, hitting them on the floor. You will feel a wave of vibration shaking through your entire body, from top to bottom. Stagnant venous blood from the lower extremities will impulsively begin to move up the vessels to the heart.

The tremors should be so natural as if a person is running or walking. Such body shakes should be done very carefully and gradually, no more than once a second (to give your heart time to pump the blood) After 50 concussions you need to take a break of 10 seconds. Never try to raise your heels more than an inch or 2 centimeters above the floor it will only cause unnecessary fatigue. Repeat 3-5 times a day when you feel tired and exhausted.

This exercise is especially relevant for people who lead a stationary lifestyle or are engaged in sedentary work. It will shake off fatigue and start blood circulation in all body, a new supply of vital energy will flow to your body and help you concentrate when it is necessary.

Perform body rejuvenation with Vibro-gymnastics and do not forget that A. A. Mikulin considered shaking the body with vibrations to be a decisive force in the fight against old age.

This is one of the exercises from the program: Pajama complex — beautify your face and body! Which consists of many unique and progressive methods of self-care and body rejuvenation.

What is this course about?

Let me introduce face fitness sculpting workout program for beginners: Pajama complex — beautify your face and body! This is the best way to start your day and awaken your body.

A revolutionary therapeutic approach to morning exercises. It prepares the face and body for effective transformation and rejuvenation. A set of exercises improves morning well-being, drains morning face and body edema, lifts up the face, raises energy and vitality, activates all circulatory systems, improves posture and neck mobility, and brings back your smile!

Regular use of vibration gymnastics will help you keep pace with your life, get rid of toxins in your body, and improve your general well-being for many years!

Try these exercises I have uploaded below and see for yourself!

The Secret of Active Longevity and Everlasting Youth - Low Jumps

You are very welcome to check out this face fitness video course for beginners and follow up with morning depuffing exercises! Get fit face & body at home and feel great!

By Marina Zuzina,

Medically Reviewed by Tatiana Zuzina, Tartu University, Estonia 

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