Top Sore Scalp and Hair Loss Exercises
Scalp exercises for hair loss provide holistic, natural ways to boost your hair health while encouraging hair growth. Sore scalp and hair loss exercises do not require doctor visits or expensive equipment. Exercises for scalp range from concentrating on individual sections to stimulating the entire scalp with one movement.
Just think about it: performing the exercises daily can be helpful in obtaining the healthy-looking head of hair you have always desired! Want to try?
What Causes Sore Scalp and Hair Loss?
According to Jared Edward Reser, Ph.D, Writer / Researcher Encino, CA, USA major contributor to hair loss is poor blood circulation in scalp. Stress and aging can reduce circulation and vasculature in subcutaneous tissues all over the head. Does your scalp feel sore to the touch? If so, you may be losing hair due to poor scalp circulation symptoms and the accompanying reductions in oxygen and nutrients.
Try a few scalp exercises first:
1) First, massage your scalp pressing firmly. It is important to apply the adaquate pressure to your scalp. If you feel that it is too painful, start to breathe diaphragmatically. This will ease the pain.
Poke your scalp with a knuckle in different places. Try to find particularly sore spots and squueze them out. It can be painful at ther very beginning, but scalp pain will disappear with the time.
2) Second, poke your scalp with a knuckle in different places. Try to find particularly sore spots and squueze them out. It can be painful at ther very beginning, but scalp pain will disappear with the time.
3) Third, hold an electric massager to different points on your scalp. Massaging scalp is usually very relaxing, but some electric massagers use too mush vibration, so be careful with it.
Your scalp is most probably sensitive and sore because the circulation is poor. If any of these feel sore or painful, you should do them more often to improve vascularity and circulation to your poor, deprived hair follicles. Sore scalp has been closely associated with alopecia (androgenic and others), male pattern baldness, diminished microcirculation, reduced microcapillary perfusion, and the resultant miniaturization of follicles. Scalp massage and scalp exercises for hair growth are indicated by some doctors and there are other angiogenic methods of increasing circulation but these are usually performed in a less-than-optimal way and do not demonstrate clinically significant results. I think that there is only one good way to effectively stimulate increased blood circulation to your scalp - start doing scalp massage daily without much thinking... just do it on a daily basis and you will see first results before you start to realize it.
My interpretation of scalp exercise for hair growth is very simple and quick to perform, and largely reduces scalp soreness and hair loss in only one week.
Try these scalp exercises for hair loss. Do the following:
1) Take the heel of your palm and press firmly down on the top of your head.
2) Move your hand in a circular motion while pressing very firmly.
3) Try to move your hand in very wide circles, attempting to stretch the scalp as far as it will go in each direction. Try to move fascia of the scalp.
4) Take about one second’s time to circle in 360 degrees. It should feel sore and achy.
5) Do this all over the scalp focusing on the areas that are the most sore for a total of 2-5 minutes.
6) Be sure to focus on the hairline and forehead.
If you want to see the video of free scalp exercises, you can log in to the account and check exercise library.
This area is tight in most people because the forehead muscles become strained and tense from social signaling and furrowing.. When we constantly raise and furrow our eyebrows these muscles remain tonically active selfishly eating up the blood supply to the general area. Relaxing the muscles in the face and head, especially in the forehead can mitigate this problem.
After practicing these sore scalp and hair loss exercises your forehead, hairline and temples will change from being very sore, and painful to massage, to being pain-free within 2 weeks of the palm heel massage method described above. If you feel like it is eazy for you simply follow video exercises you can get a monthly subscription and simply follow these video exercises.

Sore Scalp and Hair Loss Massage
Anything that induces that sore, achy feeling in your scalp will provide relief, stimulating the formation of new blood vessels and increasing blood circulation to your scalp.
Below you will find 10 scalp exercises for hair growth that you need to perform to achieve better blood circulation in scalp at home.
If you would like to follow video exercises with our expert, you can subscribe and get access to all video exercises.

Hair line massage for sore and sensitive scalp
Circular Massage Scalp Exercise
Reduce hair loss by performing a circular massage exercise. Stand upright with your feet shoulder-width apart or sit in an upright positin. Place two drops of vitamin E or rosemary oil onto your scalp, if desired or on your palms. Use your fingertips to gently begin massaging your scalp. Start on your scalp’s right side. Work small portions of your scalp at one time. Use circular motions. Use clockwise motions for the first three minutes. Reverse the direction by using counterclockwise circular motions for the next two minutes.
Be certain to massage your entire scalp area up to the hair line. Do not use your fingernails since this will damage your scalp. Massage your scalp for five minutes daily.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 5 minutes

Labial scalp laxity exercise
Release Scalp Tension by Hair Pools From the Temples to The Top
Scalp laxity exercises can help reduce hair loss by relaxing your scalp. Scalp laxity exercises are so successful at relaxing the scalp, they are recommended for hair transplant surgery preparation.
We are going to pull your hair up from your temples to the top of your head. Tilt your head a little forward and relax your neck. Rest your hands on either side of the head with the fingers pointing upward.Slowly press your fingers toward the temples. Press into the scalp so that skin tissue is moved upwards and begin a slow deep lift upwards to the top of your head. Move your hands to each other. Increase the pressure and when you reach the top. Hold your hair in a tight grip for 1 minute. Control your breath and breathe slowly and deeply. It will help you get through the exercise. You will love it. This exercise gives a fantastic lift to your eyebrows and all of your face, releases scalp tension and re-educates your muscles to stay in a lifted position
Scalp Exercise Duration: 1 minute
If this scalp laxity exercise is too difficult for you, do the following laxity exercise:
Side Scalp Maneuver
If you want to relax your scalp by doing a side scalp laxity exercise do the following: Sit upright in a firm chair. Place your hands onto the sides of your head. Each palm will be above the same side ear. Straighten your fingers, but do not clasp them together. Slowly start moving your scalp up and down. Do not move your fingers. Move your scalp for two minutes. Remove your hands. Relax for 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 2 minutes

Scalp laxity exercise
Circling the Temples
We are going to work with the temporal zone. Tilt your head forward. Place the pads of your fingers on either side of your temples. Start to circle over the temporal muscle very slowly for an effective release of tension. Make the circles quite large, keeping your fingers together. Move your fingers in the direction of the muscle towards the top of your head. If you don't feel comfortable, place your elbows to the table for better support and deeper penetration. Massaging this area can lift a headache almost magically. Circling the temples can also have a lifting effect on your eyes. Do the exercise for at least one minute to release the tension in the temporal zone.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 2 minutes

Frontal Scalp laxity exercise
Frontal Scalp lifting
We are going to pull your hair up from your frontal and rear areas to the top of your head. Tilt your head a little forward and relax your neck. Rest your right hand on the forehead and your left hand at the base of your skull. Place your fingertips beneath the hair. Gently press your fingertips inward and begin a slow deep lift of the skin tissue upward to the top of your head. Increase the pressure. When you reach the top, hold your hair in a tight grip for 1 minute. This simple movement is unbelievably relaxing for your scalp and provides a fantastic lift of the frontal area.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 1 minute
If this exercise for scalp blood circulation is too difficult for you, do the following scalp laxity exercise:
Scalp Relaxation Exercises
Do the laxity exercise any time you are concerned about hair loss. Sit upright in a firm chair. Lift your arms while opening your hands. Place your hands onto the back of your scalp. Clasp your fingers together. Do not touch your thumbs together. Slowly start moving your scalp up and down. Do not move your fingers. Keep moving your scalp 20 times. Remove your hands. Relax 10 seconds. Repeat this exercise 10 times.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 2 minutes

Tapping scalp massage for better blood circulation
Tapping Scalp
We are going to tap the scalp with the fingertips. Stand up straight and relax your neck. We are going to perform tapping all over the head. Spread your fingers wide and start by a light tapping movement all around your head. You can increase the strength of tapping if you feel like doing it. Feel the tingling sensations and increase of blood supply to this area. This exercise awakes the entire nervous system and stimulates hair growth.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 3 minutes

Sore to the touch scalp laxity exercise
Sore Scalp and Hair Loss Exercise With Knuckles
We are going to use your knuckles to massage your forehead and temples. You can do these exercises in a sitting position. Tilt your head down a little and relax your neck. Circle your forehead forcefully with slow deep motions using the full weight of your head. You want to stroke every centimeter of your forehead beginning from the center to your temples. You can do it with one or both hands. Find your own sore spot and work on it. Most often, you can find this spot in the frontal bone, temporal zones, and procerus muscle. When you circle eyebrows, you can find really bad knots and fibrous tissue. You can hear crunching sounds and muscles around the eyebrows can hurt the worst. Circle the area for 1 minute. When you finish circling the frontal area you can circle the temporal zone. Do the deep penetrating motions all the way along the belly of the temporal muscle from your temples to the top of your head.
The tension in this area has been collected for years and it will take some time to release it. If the pain is unbearable you can use a soft rubber ball to massage your forehead eyebrows and temples It will be more comfortable at the very beginning of practice to use a rubber ball. Do the exercise for 30 seconds gradually adding the time until you reach 3 minutes.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 3 minutes

Scalp exercise for hair growth
Suboccipital muscles release
Prepare to compress the nape of the neck with the index finger knuckle. Curve your index finger knuckle and place it on the base of your skull in the suboccipital area. Press the knuckle of your index finger into the muscle. Tilt your head towards your hand. We are going to use the weight of your head to compress the muscle. Press into the muscle for 10 seconds and move down along the spine towards your shoulders. You can help with your neck to move through the muscle. Work all the areas along the base of the spine. Avoid compressing the spine itself. Your movements should be deep and penetrate into the fibers. If you find a painful spot, you can stop and compress it for 10 seconds. Repeat the technique 1 minute on each side. This is a fantastic exercise to release tension in the back of your head and make your head light and flexible. Enjoy it.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 2 minutes

Scalp exercise for hair growth
Occipital Bun Release Exercise for Scalp Blood Circulation
Prepare to massage the base of the skull with your knuckles. You will find an occipital bun, also called occipital spurs parallel to each other at the base of the skull. Place your fists on the projection of the occipital bones and begin deep slow circular motions outward. You can penetrate deeper into the occipital muscle using your knuckles. Slowly inhale and exhale, it will help to release muscle pain. This area can hold an incredible amount of tension and be a trigger point for tension headaches. This self-massage practice eases skull tension and brings blood to the area. If you feel tired and need to relax, circle the occipital spurs and you will get an instant release.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 2 minutes

Scalp laxity exercise
Combing Hair With Fingers
Prepare to comb your hair with your fingertips. Make your finger into a rake and comb your hand through the hair from your frontal hairline to the back of your neck. Switch your hand and repeat the exercise in a flowing continuous movement, one hand followed by the other. Work all over the head trying to achieve a smooth, fluid rhythm. Take care not to hurry this movement. It can be surprising pleasant and awakening. Follow the sequence for 30 seconds.
Scalp Exercise Duration: 3 minutes
Now you know the best scalp exercises for effective hair rejuvenation. If you would like to follow our face and scalp workouts, simply subscribe and follow video instructions. With any subscription plan you will get access to all face fitness products.

Breathing Exercise to Relax Facial Muscles
Article is Medically Reviewed by Jared Edward Reser, Ph.D, Writer / Researcher Encino, CA, USA
All face fitness video exercises are medically reviewed by Tatiana Zuzina Massage Therapist, Osteopath and Chiropractic from Tartu University, Estonia, Tallinn.
Copyright DIY Beauty School 2024.