According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, Botox injections are the most popular cosmetic procedures nationwide. In 2016, over 7 million people had Botox treatments.

What is Botox?
Many people think that Botox was invented to smooth wrinkles on the face. Not at all! This is very wrong. Initially, the protein made from Botulinum toxin was approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) as a treatment for various health issues like:
- crossed eyes,
- eyelid spasms,
- blepharospasm,
- excessive sweating,
- severe migraines
- and many neurological disorders.
Botox is a neurotoxin. These substances target the nervous system, disrupting the nerve signaling processes that stimulate muscle contraction. This is how the drug causes temporary muscle paralysis. In this way, the toxin helps the muscles to become less stiff.
In the over above cases, this is just necessary to do such injections. But these cases are few.
Of course, this temporal muscle paralysis was used by corporations to their advantage. Now all the commercials talk about having this incredible effect of reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles. However, no one mentions that Botox is still a toxin and has many side effects and can be even dangerous. Lets uncover it.
Some facts about Botox
- When a muscle becomes paralyzed by Botox injection the nutrition of the muscle with blood and oxygen is paralyzed. As a result, the muscle becomes weak and flabby and it also means that it doesn’t metabolize the fat deposits surrounding it.
- The effects are temporary, lasting 4–6 months, depending on the type of treatment.
- Our immune system starts to fight with protein from Botulinum toxin and with time the toxin gets absorbed and more injections are needed. Thus the patient becomes literally addicted to Botox injections. Isn’t it a gold mine?
- Botox, like cosmetic surgery, creates an artificial look that many people can recognize because it paralyzes the micro-expressions on the face and facial features become frozen.
- According to the research of Michael B. Lewis. Exploring the positive and negative implications of facial feed back. Emotion. Aug. 2012;12(4) It also has a dramatic effect on a person’s psyche. For example, Botox injections to the Ocular muscles, known as crow’s feet wrinkles, can cause a long lasting depression, while injections into the nose bridge area and Corrugator Supercilii muscle reduces a person’s libido and weakens sexual activity – Fernandes-Dols JM., Carrera P., Crivelli C. Facial Behavior While Experiencing Sexual Excitement. Journal of Nonverbal Behavior. 2011; 35(1).
What are the options if I can not use Botox injections?
I have an answer to it – The best solution would be a face fitness video program: Myofascial release for the face- stress off! This face fitness video program works deeply with tissues, reduce muscle spasms, and thus smooth wrinkles on the face.
Compression and Myofascial release have none of the downsides and they cost nothing. All you need is your free time and your hands. Of course, it takes longer and you have to do it by yourself, but compression has a more dramatic and authentic effect and lasts longer. Botox also paralyzes facial expressions whereas compression unlocks them. Myofascial release will give your facial muscles a better range of motion and your face will become softer, leaner and younger. All of this can be done by your hands without side effects or loss of micro mimics.
The bottom line is that: Your most beautiful face is not the face that a cosmetic surgeon can give you, but the face that you can make yourself!
When your face, neck and throat will become free of muscular tension, you will see fantastic changes in your look and psycho-emotional state. Stress and anxiety will melt away from the first week of exercising. Your facial muscles will become lifted, and healthy, and the wrinkles on the face will diminish, not to mention great mood a stable emotional background and a young face for many years.
Let me introduce the best face fitness program for beginners
Myofascial release for the face – stress off! It is specifically designed for tight stressed faces with pathologic facial expressions and face asymmetry and for hollow saggy and thin faces that need to get the volume back and tone up.
This is the best program to get rid of stress and acquire a beautiful rested face for many years!
Try these exercises from this face fitness sculpting workout program and see for yourself!
With my best regards,
Marina Zuzina
Medically Reviewed by Tatiana Zuzina, Tartu University, Estonia