Today’s article is devoted to a fascinating process in our bodies. It is called Autophagy. That is a crucial process for preventing weight gain and cancerous growths, warding off infection. It also helps maintain a healthy metabolism and protects against conditions like diabetes. When you know its insights, you possess the secret of youth and health for many years. Let’s take a peek.

What is Autophagy?
Autophagy - from the Greek auto (self) and phagein (to eat) - describes the process by which your cells 'digest' their unneeded proteins and other materials through internal recycling mechanisms. So the literal meaning of autophagy is “self-eating.”
Yoshinori Ohsumi received the Nobel Prize award for uncovering “mechanisms for autophagy”.
Autophagy is the body's way of cleaning out damaged cells, in order to regenerate newer, healthier cells, according to Priya Khorana, Ph.D., in nutrition education from Columbia University.
Juleen Zierath, a member of the Nobel committee, said: “Every day we need to replace about 200 to 300g of protein in our bodies... We are eating proteins every day, about 70g, but that’s not enough to take care of the requirement to make new proteins. Because of this machinery, we’re able to rely on some of our own proteins, maybe the damaged proteins or the long-lived proteins, and they are recycled with this sophisticated machinery so that we can sustain and we survive.”
How to use autophagy correctly to take advantage of it?
The system comes down to the following. It is based on switching between 8 hours eating window and 16 hours starving one. Usually, it is wider and we eat for 12 hours. The time in which we eat is called the diet window. Someone who wakes up at 7 a.m. and has breakfast in an hour opens this window at 8 a.m. They need to have dinner no later than 4 pm.
You can have a lot of water or tea, without milk or sugar in the hunger hours. At first, you can have vegetables if it is too hard without food. With time, it is better to narrow the diet window to 6 hours with no change in the number of calories.

Autophagy is a nonstop process in our body and it does not depend on our food regime but it works way better if you are hungry for more than 12 hours. There are different schemes of diet windows 16/8, 18/6, 20/4 it is up to you to decide what is better and more comfortable for you but it is worth trying anyway.
It is hard to start but changes will give you more and more power over habits and your beautiful look will add to it.
You will let your body clean itself and turn on the cell’s waste disposal system!
What can I expect from narrowing my diet window?
- better work of digestive system
- a healthy way of weight loss and control
- thinner waist
- control over appetites
- leveling cholesterol and glucose level
- stabilizing blood pressure
- improving metabolism
- skin and body detoxification
- sufficient work of kidney and liver
- strengthening of the immune system
- clear mind
- satisfaction with your look and better mood and it is not the whole list!
It works for everyone in its own way the body knows better what to fix. You just give your body a chance to detoxify itself and have rest for it doesn’t distract to digesting and stocking it goes directly to stocks for cleaning.
This way of scheduling your eating hours will help stay young and healthy. It should become your way of living if you plan to stay healthy and vibrant for many years. It is always up to you whether to try it or not but if there is “why not” in your mind, follow it. There are counter indications to the following conditions: Pregnancy, lactation, age under 18, anorexia, diabetes, ulcer, gastritis, oncology. If you have any other conditions consult your doctor in charge.
Invest your time and knowledge of the best minds to your health! FaceWorkoutStudio is here for you to lead to your best looking face!
With my best regards,
Marina Zuzina
Medically Reviewed by Tatiana Zuzina, Tartu University, Estonia