Did you know that anxiety and stress-related problems mostly come from shallow breathing? Facial wrinkles are stress-related and represent the map of a person’s life. One wrinkle here from sleepless nights with kids another from worries about how to provide a family and with time there are so many of them that we lose control and start to think about the measures that can be taken to erase these wrinkles. First of all, we have to deal with the cause of this problem to be able to do something to address this issue.

When we start to get nervous we don’t have control mechanisms and start to purse lips, frown eyebrows and often tighten the jaw. As we do so, we start to have more wrinkles and by the age of 40 the facial muscles become completely stiff and many deep wrinkles appear to have their place for good, as we think.
If only we knew that we can control our mimics and relax facial muscles by doing simple diaphragmatic breathing techniques. Many books explain it all, but I want to give you just one breathing technique that can change your lifestyle forever. (Find it down below)
What diaphragmatic breathing is and what the benefits are
Diaphragmatic breathing, or deep breathing, is breathing that is done by contracting the diaphragm, a muscle located horizontally between the thoracic cavity and abdominal cavity.
Non-diaphragmatic breathing also known as distressed breathing is done by the upper thoracic area and hardly involves 10% of the total range. It only pulls air into the top third of the lungs by slightly shrugging the clavicles and shoulders. This kind of breathing is strongly associated with stress and anxiety disorders and tends to cause nervousness and discomfort, which of course are reflected in the facial expressions of a person. We breathe more defensively when we are afraid, and we become more afraid when we breathe defensively.
The diaphragm can move as much as ten centimeters, but most adults use only one centimeter. The average adult human has a total lung capacity of five to six liters of air, but only a small part of this capacity is used during normal breathing. Nervous breathing will often involve inhalations of less than half a liter. You can observe this yourself by paying careful attention to the movement of your shoulders during breathing. You should never breathe with your shoulders! Your shoulders should be relaxed and downcast.
Conversely, improving your breathing will help you control your negative thoughts, your mimics, and facial expressions. Indeed, you will find that habitual diaphragmatic breathing is incompatible with anxiety. Breathe deeply and your nervous system will begin to calm itself and your facial muscles would not need to get tight every time you get nervous. Moreover, deep breathing benefits the skin as well, because it benefits from the body’s stress response! Breathe deeply and your face will become soft, calm, and healthy.
Five Rules of Diaphragmatic Breathing
- Breathe deeply, inhaling and exhaling the air to the maximum capacity of your lungs.
- Breathe continuously at a steady rate without holds and pauses.
- Breathe at long intervals, making your exhale 30 % longer than inhale.
- If you feel that you are getting too much air, simply breathe more slowly.
- If you feel that you are getting too little air, do just the opposite and increase the force of your in-breaths. Ensure that you breathe all the way in and all the way out.
Paced breathing will help you calm down. Try doing the breathing exercise every morning before you go to work, and you will be amazed by your level of composure and self-control.
Why do we need to breathe diaphragmatically while doing facial exercises?
That is a good question! Diaphragmatic breathing is used combined with the Cosmetic Compression method to teach you to distract from muscle pain when you do the exercises and any sort of pain in general, to overcome stress and anxiety easily and reset your nervous system anew.
Regular use of a breath metronome will help you reprogram your breathing and with it your life. I think that breath metronomes should be found in every workplace, classroom, every therapist’s office, in every Gym or Yoga studio, etc. because it makes any practice 100% more effective.
This is the best exercise to get control of stress-relegated factors and acquire a beautiful rested face for many years!
Myofascial release for the face - Stress off! What is this course about?
Let me introduce the program: Myofascial release for the face – stress off! It is specifically designed to correct tight stressed faces with pathologic facial expressions and uncontrollable mimics and to teach initial stress management instruments at home. Remember that all age-related changes are caused by stress and learning how to deal with it, will help keep your face young for many years.
Make your first step towards the beauty of your face and the serenity of your mind!
Try the breathing exercise below and see for yourself!
Get a breath of fresh air and always look great, confident and beautiful!
With my best regards,
Marina Zuzina
Medically Reviewed by Tatiana Zuzina, Tartu University, Estonia